Join us on SAT DEC 21st for our Swingin’ Holiday Dance Party featuring The Swing 46 All-Star swing band! Plus Special HOLIDAY inspired DANCE SHOWCASES by TEAM LINDYLAND and our featured instructors. Also join us early in the evening to learn the Rockin’...
CYBER WEEK Specials available NOW! Get 10% OFF TICKETS for any night this week through the weekend! USE CODE: CYBERWEEK in the shopping cart when purchasing tickets (entertainment fees) to reveal discounts. These Deals expire SUNDAY
CYBER WEEK Deals available NOW for NEW YEAR’S EVE plus get 10% OFF TICKETS for any night this week through the weekend! USE CODE: CYBERWEEK in the shopping cart when purchasing tickets (entertainment fees) to reveal discounts. These Deals expire SUNDAY
Use Code: CYBERMONDAY to reveal BIG Discounts on NEW YEAR’S EVE plus get 20% OFF the entertainment fees on select nights this weekend and week upcoming! Just Enter the code in the shopping cart on Eventbrite to reveal discounts. Good on most nights this weekend...
Vocalist Joe Politi with the Stan Rubin Orchestra at Swing 46 photo by Paolo Di Lanna, CIO CLICK FOR HIGH RESOLUTION PHOTO Vocalist Joe Politi with the Stan Rubin Orchestra at Swing 46 photo by Paolo Di Lanna, CIO CLICK FOR HIGH...